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Mi'kmaq Medicines | Nimbus Publishing
Newfoundland and Labrador Lullaby | Glen Margaret Publishing
Pop-up Halifax | Nimbus Publishing
The Land Puffin | Nimbus Publishing
The Little Book of Nova Scotia | Nimbus Publishing
So you think you know Nova Scotia: Quiz Book | Nimbus Publishing
East Coast Crafted | Nimbus Publishing
Canada Lullaby | Glen Margaret Publishing
Maritime ABC | Glen Margaret Publishing
Maritime 123 | Glen Margaret Publishing
Maritime Colours | Glen Margaret Publishing
Nova Scotia Lullaby | Glen Margaret Publishing
Medicine Walk | Nimbus Publishing
Animal Signatures | Nimbus Publishing
Out of Old Nova Scotia Kitchens | Nimbus Publishing
If I Were the Moon | Nimbus Publishing
Sleeping Dragons All Around | Nimbus Publishing
She Dreams of Sable Island- A Paper Doll Book | Nimbus Publishing
Halifax ABC | Nimbus Publishing
Gary the Seagull | Nimbus Publishing